
Help achieve the look of your dreams.
Celluma is an FDA-approved, non-invasive treatment that provides noticeable improvement for a range of common skin conditions, including anti-aging concerns, acne, wrinkles and common skin blemishes. Celluma is a light-based treatment that revitalizes the skin by promoting collagen for an overall healthier look and feel.
Celluma improves cell growth and enhances tissue repair to:
- Improve skin tone
- Smooth skin texture
- Clarify the skin
- Boost circulation
- Reduce inflammation and joint discomfort
- Improve muscle recovery and performance
This treatment accelerates skin repair by employing light energies. These light wavelengths penetrate the skin at different depths, allowing for the correction of various concerns. Most Cellula treatments can be performed in well under an hour and can significantly enhance the skin’s beauty and radiance.